Allison Lee

Hi! I'm Allison, a Junior majoring in Computer Science at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. I'm a big Pokemon & Digimon nerd with experience in 3D modeling. I'm mostly looking into Cybersecurity or WebDev, but I'm open to learning anything that'll make me a better programmer.



UMN Teaching Assistant

I am currently a Teaching Assistant for CSCI 2980: Discrete Structures of Computer Science. I help tutor groups of students in understanding concepts of Discrete Structures, and keep them coordinated when doing group-work.

Comstock Office Assistant

I was one of the Office Assistants at the Comstock residence hall, and my job involved aiding dorm residents that require help or otherwise referring them to my employer or the Community Advisor in the case of an emergency.

Fall 2023 - Present



As a volunteer at goodwill, I would work in 4-5 hours shifts. My role had been to sort the clothing racks and interact with customers, mainly to aid in navigating the store.

Salvation Army

During my time at Salvation Army, I would help with preparing the establishment for customers by stocking shelves and removing expired products. I also cleaned the establishment in the evenings, and helped prepare it in the mornings. During the afternoon hours I would be helping customers fill their carts with their desired items, as well as label and sort through cans in the back. Typically, I would be working alongside another person for multiple hours.

Summer 2022

College Clubs

Social Coding

Social Coding is a club dealing with group projects.

Multi-Cultural Food Club

A club I'd started meant to encourage diversity in food, leaving me with the tasks of establishment, planning, and fund procurement.

January 2023 - Present

High School Clubs


In Robotics we were split into two teams, and had been given a "map" we would code a robot to follow. We would then compete against the opposing team for the fastest time.


During STEM club we would be given a loose set of rules to follow when performing a designated experiment. Oftentimes, we would work in groups to create the desired results with minimal instructions.

Girls Who Code

This club dealt mostly with independent Scratch coding, though peer interaction had been encouraged.

August 2019 - May 2022


University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Computer Science

GPA: 3.6

August 2022 - Present

Timberland High School

I'd graduated a year early as I had the necessary credits by the end of my Junior year due to being in a relatively more advanced math track.

August 2019 - May 2022


Programming Languages & Tools

For programming languages, I have experience with Python, C, C++, Java, Javascript, HTML, Assembly, and OCaml. As for other tools, I know Git/Github, Vercel, React, Adobe Creative Suite, Figma, Blender, and Rhino3D.

I work to...
  • Adapt and incorporate new skills.
  • Better my understanding of programming.
  • Be open to new opportunities and ideas.


Other than coding, I find myself enjoying reading or exploring possible new hobbies. Languages are particularly interesting to me, and I've recently found myself pursuing Japanese.

Some of my hobbies include (but are not limited to): Crocheting, Digital Art/Fabrication, Programming, Competitive Gaming, Puzzles, and Board Games.


About-Me Portfolio Website

A website hosting current and planned projects while containing information about me, created both for future professional use and website experience.

An anti-procrastination Calendar and Tamagotchi fusion web application made primarily with Pixi.js, React, CSS, and ChakraUI. Developed during the 2024 MadHacks Hackathon and winning the Hacker's choice category.
Multicultural Food Club Website (In Progress)

An experimental multimedia project that will contain an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) within a campus-based restaurant review website for the Multicultural Food Club.

Work In Progress

A visual novel demo developed with Ren'Py during the 2024 Global Game Jam.

Other Projects

For some of my less coding-related projects, I have them posted on Medium!